. ALFA PERKASA ENGINEERING will help you specialize on construction, design, and automation engineering (mechanical or electrical ) services. We can do and support of the engineering project as manufacture , automation, improvement , overhoule and re-design involed or related with NC Roll Feeder, Paper Shearing, Roll Feeder, Blending Process Plant - Press Rivetting - Pulp Paper - Printing Machines - Programming PLC, Touchscreen .
We receive engineering need for factory, goverment institution, etc. Also overhoule, setting, check , maintenance, and recondition of Press Mechines of AIDA, Komatsu, from 25 tons until 1600 tons.
We are also supply for RIKEN Safety System, Oil Lubrication Pump, Automation - Servomotor, Inverter, by contract aggreement or independent from local and international institution.